The Problem of Heart Rhythm
Below are two graphs of the heart rate of a person who is not meditating. (Ignore the very beginning and end of the graph when the software is adjusting.)
In the following graph the heart rate is shown versus time. Notice four peaks where the heart rate shoots up to 95 or more than 100 beats/minute. These indicate short moments of emotional distress when the subject was asked about his finances. The subject has had no physical movement during this time.
Note also that there is no pattern to the heart rate. There is no Heart Rhythm. If you thought of this graph as music, with the different frequencies as notes, it would not be beautiful to listen to.

In the graph below, the same heart rate waveform has been analyzed according to the fundamental frequencies within it (by an FFT analysis). Then the amount of time spent in each fundamental frequency has been graphed along the frequency spectrum. This shows that the heart rate comprises all the frequencies up to 0.40 Hz. and some above that. Frequencies above 0.15 Hz (in the purple area) have been found to be harmful to cardiac health and indicative of emotional distress.

The Solution to Heart Rhythm
The breath can control the heartrate. In the graph below, the heart rate rises and falls as the meditator breathes in and out. This gives us a way to control Heart Rate Variability.
The two graphs below show a person doing Heart Rhythm Meditation, with a rhythmic breath coordinated with the heart rate. Note the regularity in the first graph, like a picture of music. The regularity of this heart rate will cause transmission to occur, broadcasting this slow and peaceful rhythm through the magnetic field into other people and creating the same waves in them. These are waves of peace from the heart.
Note also that the average heart rate is decreased.

The breath rate is also shown in this graph, as it’s the breath that causes the heart rate to increase (exhalation) and decrease (inhalation). In 2 minutes indicated by the lines, the heart rate goes through six cycles of smooth decreases and increases. These cycles correspond to the breathing rate of the subject, approx. 20 seconds per breath, on average.
The lower graph shows that almost all of the fundamental frequencies within the heart rate are below 0.1 Hz. and most are below 0.066 Hz. The strongest single frequency by far is 0.05 Hz, which means 0.05 cycles per second, times 60 seconds/minute is 3 cycles per minute, or 6 cycles in two minutes, — the same as the breath rate.
This means that, in a state of coherence, the breath rate dominates the frequency of the heart beats, which then create electromagnetic waves of the same frequency. These energetic waves are broadcast to others and reproduce the same coherent rhythm in their hearts, causing the same emotions of peace and love in them.

While this subject is in a coherent state, he was repeatedly asked again about his financial condition, but now no physical stress was exhibited. Even through the same thoughts that caused emotional distress before, the subject now experiences no emotional distress, and this peaceful emotion is shown in the heart rate.

With Heart Rhythm Meditation, the vertical amplitude of the Heart Rate Variability graph can be increased. Our objective is to not only attain coherence, but to energize the heart to produce a stronger magnetic field. The graph above shows a person doing Heart Rhythm Meditation and producing a swing in HRV of more than 30 Beats Per Minute (BPM). The greater the change in heart rate, the stronger is the electromagnetic wave generated by the heart.