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iamU Online

Enrollment Ends February 1st 2022

Introducing the New iamU!

During these unprecedented times, iamHeart is taking the opportunity to embrace the vision of change. We have been working on a restructure of the iamU program for some time now, and it feels as though the timing is right to move forward. We are so excited to announce that iamU will now be separated into three distinct,  sections instead of one singular, two-year program. This new format allows for better integration time and a self-paced approach to our beloved program. In addition, the reformat is more inclusive, with new courses for alumni to enjoy, and is more affordable for those from all walks of life. These updates are a response to the direct feedback we have received. We are committed to making these modifications to create the best experience for those empowered to thrive with Heart Rhythm Meditation. We can’t wait to begin this new journey and meditate with new, eager Hearts!

Why iamU?

The key to self-transformation is to have a vision of change, and the energy to move toward that change.

– David Bohm, physicist 

iamU is a highly supportive, three-part program in the art and science of meditation and its application to the challenges in your life—what we call your pressing needs. You will learn advanced meditation practices that transform you and your world by developing energy and vision to address these needs. You won’t go on this journey alone. A group of like-minded and like-hearted seekers will be unraveling these concepts with you, and trained experts in these practices will be available and responsive to you, every day and every step of the way.

iamU is a meditation school, but it is so much more. You will use meditation as a tool to peel back the layers of yourself and make changes in essential areas of your life such as your health, relationships, purpose, and spirituality. The program is broken down into three levels:


The objective of the program is to develop in you the skill and understanding of mysticism that will lead you to the mystical state called “Illumination.”  In the process, you will learn how to heal the wounds of your heart, follow your heart’s wisdom, and apply the power of your heart to your purpose.  You will gain the confidence to apply the various energies of Love in your life—how to heal and transform people and situations by changing the flow of energy within your heart. The reach of your heart can extend to your family, friends, acquaintances, and beyond.  There is no boundary to your heart.  We also emphasize practical results: the ability to harness your emotional power, self-regulate your body’s rhythms, invoke energies for healing and creativity, make your intuition reliable, and shape reality to accomplish the purpose of your life.

Your Heart’s Purpose

Your purpose is constantly evolving and unfolding. In one sense, purpose is about manifesting your heart’s true personality. It may also be about connecting deeply to the people in your life, or serving your ideals. What has kept you from pursuing your visions? Do you have dreams for a better self and a better world? What keeps you from authentically engaging with those around you and feeling deeply the people you love and who love you? Or how do you create these connections in the first place? What has kept you from knowing yourself, from peeling back further layers of yourself? Are you the shining light for your path forward, or are you following someone else’s candle?

iamU provides tools for developing vision and energy, which will bring you toward your purpose. Through the process of personal healing and opening to inspiration, you will clarify your vision and develop your heart’s energy to realize it. As we learn and practice these introspective methods, our hearts can become the light that illuminate our path forward.

The Need for Healing

One of the great losses of energy in our lives are the emotional wounds we carry. When we are continually reacting to our heart wounds, and letting them drain us of energy, it is challenging to move forward. We feel that vision may be out of reach and our pressing needs go untended. In iamU, you will gently explore your trigger points and your traumas, and begin to heal them through meditation and loving support. Meditation is a powerful tool in this process of emotional healing, but so is the supportive community and the deeply knowledgeable iamU faculty.

Enrollment Ends February 1st 2022

For information regarding pricing and financial aid for all three levels, please click the “Schedule A Consultation” button above to schedule a meeting with our Director of Education, Jennifer Adrienne.

How Does it Work?

The program consists of three, year-long levels to help grow your Heart-Rhythm Meditation journey as you connect deeply with your classmates and teachers. In each level you will come together face-to-face in weekly online sessions, and stay connected during the week through readings, postings, written discussion, and sharing. The online courses in iamU bring you from any level of meditation to an educated and experience-driven, heart-centered practice. You will receive direct guidance and feedback from advanced meditation teachers every step of the way, and learn alongside fellow heart-centered students. When crossing an ocean, it is much safer to be on a large ship filled with people who know the waters, and friends who can keep you in good company. Your heart has the energy to guide your transformation, but it is much safer to embark with a knowledgeable and safe community.

In addition to the online course material, your teachers’ guidance, and the interactive community, you will also receive a certified iamHeart Mentor. You and your mentor meet once per month for an hour to provide you with personal one-on-one support. As HRM practices evoke change and self-reflection, it is essential to have someone to talk with about your experiences and how to make the material best suited for you.

Explore the Elements of iamU

For information regarding pricing and financial aid please click the “Schedule A Consultation” button below to schedule a meeting with our Director of Education, Jennifer Adrienne. 

Puran & Susanna 

have created iamU as a culmination of their teachings of more than 40 years. This school distills the experience of the mystics of the heart of many traditions, clarified, organized, and demonstrated by Susanna and Puran. The focus on the human heart provides a consistent, comprehensive philosophy that guides the curriculum, the tone of the community, and the individual lives of the teachers. The heartfelt environment, co-created by Susanna and Puran and the students and teachers in the program, is profoundly sympathetic, compassionate, therapeutic and empowering. It emphasizes the practical applications of spirituality and the spiritual dimensions of everyday life.

The coordinated team of iamU online course teachers, residency teachers, mentors and retreat guides dedicate their attention to each student as they conduct their personal and spiritual development.  Susanna supervises all the mentors, and Puran and Susanna lead the group retreats and the annual iamU residency. iamU is designed by Puran & Susanna to unfold the potentials of your true self, step-by-step. Each course in the program builds on the last one, giving you the tools, community, and practice that have created transformation in hundreds of graduates.  In iamU you will dive deep within your heart and discover all that lives there: your spirit, your power, your connectedness, your values and the many mysteries of self that you will unravel throughout your life.

For information regarding pricing and financial aid for all three levels, please click the “Schedule A Consultation” button above to schedule a meeting with our Director of Education, Jennifer Adrienne. 

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