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Posts in : Susanna Bair

Hemagglutination: A Symptom of Stress

Dr. Alexander Angelov, MD, of Swampscott, MA, in his office, with Susanna Bair, President of iamHeart. Using a high-resolution photo-microscope attached to a digital video camera and computer, Dr. Angelov is able to examine the clumping of red blood cells, an indication of stress.Red blood cells normally repel each other because the membrane of each cell

Money Sex and Power: A Meditation Perspective

How does spirituality and the Heart relate to the topics of Money, Sex, and Power? Most of us separate these three topics from leading a spiritual life, but spirituality does not need to discard these energies.

4 Experts talk about the Heart

I believe that by rooting in both our physical and metaphysical hearts, humanity can operate from the core of love, compassion, and kindness. And so, for the past three decades, I have dedicated my life to helping our society manifest a heart-centered culture. As I have traveled the world, offering my own vision of heart-centered living, I have had the honor of meeting extraordinary individuals who walk this path with me.

Your Life Is Great! 5 Steps to Celebrating Instead of Complaining

The attitude of celebrating your life is healthy, both physically and emotionally. Not only that, but upbeat people attract other upbeat people, so by changing your attitude, you can set in motion positive reinforcement for a new and improved outlook.

What are the Archetypes?

What are the Archetypes? What is an “archetype,” and why are there 12? What is the difference between your soul archetype and your emerging archetype? How can you discover your most prominent archetype(s)? Click the play button below to listen to a brief audio recording from iamHeart Co-founder Susanna Bair and learn the answers!

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