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Wounds in Relationships

Wounds in a Relationship

The New Year is fast approaching, and in many traditions, this is a time of reflection, consideration, and rebirth. We consider our relationship with the ones we love most, the ones who have hurt us most, and with the world and universe. What will I make happen this year? Who will I affect?

When considering our relationships with others, we often don’t consider our wounds. When a relationship is strained, or unproductive, it is because a wound exists either within ourselves or between us and the one with whom we seek to be productive. The concept of a “heart wound” is similar to the concept of trauma, but can be much smaller. It is the many things that we are unresolved; if someone discriminated against us, repeatedly misunderstood us, if our goals for ourselves have fallen short and we are reminded of that fact, it can suddenly hurt. The extreme would be if something very traumatic happened recently and something only slightly correlated occurs, and the person breaks down crying or flies into a rage. If the reaction doesn’t warrant the response, it is likely related to a wound. We all have our wounds, and they take a lot of our energy, but thankfully, they can be healed.

As we heal our wounds, our relationships strengthen. We can get closer to people without having to protect the bare pile of jelly in our chest that can unravel at any moment. We can confidently move toward someone and trust that our edges will hold, that the core is strong. And when we can confidently move toward people, we can confidently move toward goals, even spiritual goals. We can confidently move toward the one being, the universal and our universal selves. We can’t do that without inner peace, and wounded insides are never peaceful.

Resolve this year to resolve yourself, to resolve the relationships that are unresolved and lack harmony. We will work through the steps of a wound and also work through what you are going through specifically. I’d be happy to talk with you about what wounds you would like to resolve, or how you might approach these problems in your own life. Vulnerability and strength can be hard to hold in the same vessel, but when you can, you are very powerful

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This meditation focuses on healing of the heart through conscious breathing.

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