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Somewhere in the world there sits a man or woman in meditation. He appears to be alone, in seclusion, but that is not her experience. Her role is a unique one and his responsibility is enormous. He has perfected the method of the heart to an unbelievable level whereby she feels the whole planet as her own body, and every living being as cells within her body. The streams and rivers of the world are his arteries, the mountains are her bones. The soil of the earth is her skin, the atmosphere of the world, his breath. Within the cells of his body are occuring all the dramas of humanity. The wars between people in every part of the world are experienced by her as battles within herself. The ecological damage to the planet is felt as poison in his own flesh. The joy of individuals and groups also register inside her and every breakthrough anywhere lifts her to ecstasy.ย 

The signals he gets come through his body, which is acting like a receiver of humanity. As the meditator feels the sensations in his body coming from corresponding points all across the globe, she is also directing her breath and attention to connect with all parts a healing wave of energy. The dilemmas of the Middle East she is processing as her own mental insanity. He finds adjustments internally that have an immediate effect on the pain in his body.ย 

Whatever is touched or moved within him has a corresponding result in the world, for she is the mirror of the world and the world is her flesh, bones, emotions and mind. The degree to which she has become a microcosm of the planet is unimaginable, but it is an operating reality.ย 

This myth has deep roots in the western religions. In Christianity, this meditator is performing part of the function that the Christ performed: to identify with all of humanity in compassion, taking on all its suffering as his own, transmuting it and releasing it. Christ did much more than this, but this part of His work is continued always by someone who represents Him on earth. In Islam, this is the function of the “Qutub”, the “axis” around which the planet turns. His contemplation of the planet is so complete that it seems to the meditator that the planet revolves as she revolves. In Judaism, this is called “Neshamah Klalit”, a focal point in the universe through which inspiration and grace flow between heaven and earth.ย 

At any moment in time, there is one person on the earth serving this function, which we call “The Axis”. The Axis could come from any country, race, or religion, but there are very few who are capable of this level of contemplation. The stress of the position would crush a person who is ill-prepared. A normal person struggles to integrate himself, to be in touch with all parts of her own being. The Axis does this with all of humanity. There are many other masters who assist The Axis by contemplating a limited part of the world. The domain of a master is not necessarily geographic; she may be concerned with, for example, those who are physically suffering, those who are making scientific discoveries, or those of a certain heritage.ย 

You approach the role of The Axis of the world by practicing contemplation with your own world. You can contemplate another person and take that person’s condition on as your own, giving you a profound insight into their being and their needs. This is not imagining a solution to another person’s problems as if they could act as you do. Here you consider all the inner and outer forces operating on this person which limit their freedom to act, and in what way their inner condition could change as they take the next step in their growth path. By identifying with that person and working with their dilemmas, physical illnesses, qualities, character flaws and strengths within yourself, you can find solutions and open doors that were not apparent to that person. Through the two-way connection of contemplation, the doors you open within yourself are opened within the person you mirror.ย 

When you can see contemplation working with one other person, you can practice with a group of people. You can be The Axis for your family or your company. It’s not a control position because you cannot exert your own will. What you can do is direct the divine wish for understanding, growth, fulfillment and peace, into that domain which turns around you.ย 

The requirements for being The Axis, at any level, are first that you can come to a state of forgiveness and non-judgment of others. You cannot contemplate what you reject. Then you need to conquer your worst internal demon becauseย your fear of abandonment, anxiety, depression or helplessness will be discovered in another. There must be no condition you are afraid of. If you would resist the experience of that condition when it appears in another, then you would have to break the connection of contemplation. Third, You must achieve the integration of all parts of yourself through integrity: no part of yourself at odds with another part. This will demonstrate the ability to come to harmony and peace through active inner work. If you cannot do this for yourself, then you won’t be able to do it when an even greater complexity is added through contemplation. Fourth, you have to practice contemplation. Since contemplation is done with the heart, the state of the open heart must have been attained.ย 

The curriculum and practices of iamHeart are oriented toward the goal of serving your world as The Axis. We teach how to heal the wounds of your heart; we teach the opening of the heart, using Heart Rhythm Practice; we teach contemplation, and we teach the integration of character, the proof of your realization.ย 

A man once asked Hazrat Inayat Khan to teach him how to meditate. Hazrat Inayat Khan said, “Meditate? There’s work to be done,” and gave him a project. Meditation is the most difficult and powerful thing you could ever learn, and you can only succeed if you have a strong reason to learn it. We study and practice meditation and other techniques in order to prepare purselves for spiritual service. The story of The Axis is our inspiration for that service which is spiritual, active, compassionate, courageous, and intimately involved with the world.ย 

The Axis is one description of the Goal of the Training of iamHeart andย The Axis is a wonderful example of the ideal of a heart-centered life. ย There is no denial of the body or of worldly life. There is no detachment or letting go.ย On the contrary, The Axis is most concerned, involved and responsible for the welfare of others.ย The heart of The Axis is intimately connected to the heart of each person in his or her scope.ย 

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