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Posts in : January 16, 2019

4 Experts talk about the Heart

I believe that by rooting in both our physical and metaphysical hearts, humanity can operate from the core of love, compassion, and kindness. And so, for the past three decades, I have dedicated my life to helping our society manifest a heart-centered culture. As I have traveled the world, offering my own vision of heart-centered living, I have had the honor of meeting extraordinary individuals who walk this path with me.

Your Life Is Great! 5 Steps to Celebrating Instead of Complaining

The attitude of celebrating your life is healthy, both physically and emotionally. Not only that, but upbeat people attract other upbeat people, so by changing your attitude, you can set in motion positive reinforcement for a new and improved outlook.

What are the Archetypes?

What are the Archetypes? What is an “archetype,” and why are there 12? What is the difference between your soul archetype and your emerging archetype? How can you discover your most prominent archetype(s)? Click the play button below to listen to a brief audio recording from iamHeart Co-founder Susanna Bair and learn the answers!

Meditation and Adderall

I probably don’t have to tell you that Adderall is an amphetamine – though it’s marketed to slow down your mind, it is actually a powerful stimulant. The manufacturer says it “can cause rapid or irregular heartbeat, delirium, panic, psychosis, and heart failure.” This is not what you want to sit on when you meditate.

Hallucinations vs. Visions in Meditation

Hallucinations and visions are different in their origin and purpose. Hallucinations come from brain starvation, mostly, and visions come from the deep mind, the part of self that is all selves, what we call the “heart.” What Is Heart?

Sleepiness During Meditation

I get so much energy from meditation on my heart that I could not possibly fall asleep. Not while I’m meditating at least. I could fall asleep afterwards, or, I could engage in some lovely work, like answering meditation questions.

How to Make Meditation a Habit

One of my students admitted that he wasn’t meditating regularly. I asked him why. He said he was too tired in the morning and had no time before rushing off to work. I asked him why he was so tired. He said he had trouble sleeping and was often laying awake at night. I asked him what was he thinking about at night.

He blushed and said that he was thinking about a woman he met and wondering how he could find the courage to approach her. I told him there’s a meditation for that. Then he meditated everyday.

Coping with Pain Through Disassociation?

A dissociative state is not the solution to pain. You can do it — just detach from the individual part of your being where the pain is abiding. But there is another way.

Technology and Spiritual Education

In the old days, if you wanted to explore the inner, infinite world, you would go live with a teacher. It was intimate and personal.

That still happens — there are people who have moved here to Tucson to study in our school — but most of our students are scattered around the USA, with some in Europe and the Far East. We were one of the earliest online schools of meditation. Because I knew how to program, we had an online webcourse in 1999. (We’ve been teaching meditation since 1971.)

Can Psychic Experiences Be Explained with Physics?

Psychic experiences are those that can’t be accounted for in the usual consciousness of individual, separated, distinct beings.

By our regular senses, people appear to be completely distinct from one another, like billiard balls rolling around on a pool table. That’s just the way it looks, but we have other senses that reveal everything is actually interconnected in a web of continuous being.

Listen: How to Recognize Divine Guidance

Are you missing golden opportunities?

Divine guidance is consistently with us, but we don’t always see it. The result is missed opportunities.

4 Guidelines for Setting Your Intention

According to a university study, 8% of people accomplish their New Year’s resolutions.

This is because having the intention to change is not enough to cause change. How wonderful it would be if we could simply choose to be different!

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