Hello friends and colleagues,
As a member of the iamHeart’s teaching team for the upcoming 16-month program, The Heart’s Mysticism, I wanted to share what compelled me to step up and join others on this journey with iamHeart. There are many paths to experiencing the mystical phenomenon. My own education in and application of mystical practices started during late 1990’s through the discipline of personal mastery.
In the next few paragraphs, I include words by Evelyn Underhill “Mysticism is the art of union with Reality”. Her words helped me, and I trust they will be of use to you to discern if this journey is for you now. For the iamHeart community, Reality is the union of both the manifest reality and unmanifest reality of our existence. Underhill in her book, Practical Mysticism, A little book for Normal People, pointedly clarifies what the mystical path is about and what it takes to travel the path.
First supposition: Mystics pervade our human history. Underhill underscores the essential nature of mystics, saying,
“What is it, then, that distinguishes the outlook of a great poets and artists from the arrogant subjectivism of common sense? Innocence and humility distinguish it. These persons prejudge nothing, criticize nothing. To some extent, their attitude to the universe is that of children: and because it is so, they participate to that extent in the Heaven of Reality”.
I like the idea of allowing myself to think, be and act as a child in the safe container of this iamHeart program.
Second Supposition: As Puran and Susanna have so often emphasized, iamHeart mystics are not hermits, living away from the daily grind of life. They participate fully in the here and now and that is how we shift Reality. Underwood pins our feet to the ground about the preparation of the mystic. She said,
“Here the practical [person] will naturally say: And pray how am I going to do this? How shall I detach myself from the artificial world to which I am accustomed? Where is the brake that shall stop the wheel of my image-making mind? I answer: You are going to do it by an educative process; a drill, of which the first stages will, indeed, be hard enough…..You willingly spend time and money over the narrowing and sharpening of attention which you call a ‘business training’, a ‘legal education’, the ‘acquirement of scientific method’. But this new undertaking will involve the development and training of a layer of your consciousness which has lain fallow in the past; the acquirement of the method which you have never used in the past”.
Each of us is on the mystical path in varying places, this program offers the opportunity to up the ante, to participate in a stepwise shift in the pursuit of your life’s purpose.
Third Supposition: What then is the promise of this program, The Heart’s Mysticism? I point out only one because this one resonates with me right now. Using Underhill’s words where she refers to simplifying experiences of deep emotions,
“Now that simplifying act, which the preliminary of all mystical experiences, that gathering of the scattered bits of personality into the one which is really you – into the ‘unity of your spirit’ as the mystics say – the great forces of love, beauty, wonder, grief may for you now and again”.
The following questions helped me and maybe they will be useful to you.
- Do you want to travel this road of the mystical education during this program?
- Do you want to participate in the possibility to change the trajectory of your own life and life of this planet?
- Do you want to engage in practices to build your courage to step into the full role of a mystic as a powerful change agent?
For me the journey ahead is exciting and scary at same time. My heart’s desire to gather all of me into unity gives me the courage to move forward. The iamHeart community holds the Culture of the Heart and I know I will not be alone. And Susanna and Puran will transmit and impart their knowledge gained through their own direct experience through practices, insights, and guidance.
I hope you will consider joining us on this journey.
Blessings to each of you always.

Connecting with Heart: Interview with Puran Bair of iamHeart
Connecting with Heart: Interview with Puran Bair of iamHeart Recently, I did an interview with Predrag Vlatkovic from MysticMag. In my interview, we discussed the founding of iamHeart, iamHeart’s mission, and a more in depth look into the “why” of Heart Rhythm Meditation. You can read the full interview here, or keep reading below. In