iamHeart is a 501(c)3 nonprofit devoted to uplifting humanity through sharing the practice of Heart Rhythm Meditation. iamHeart embraces people of all cultures, races, ethnicities, nationalities, sexual orientations, gender identities, faiths, experience levels, and backgrounds. All hearts are welcomed, celebrated, and cherished here
Teaching Testimonials
At iamHeart, our mission is to empower individuals, families, and communities to realize their full potential through the transformative practice of Heart Rhythm Meditation. We value authenticity, compassion, creativity, and collaboration, and strive to create a world where the heart centered awareness gained through meditation is an integral part of daily life, contributing to greater health, happiness, love, harmony and beauty for all.

Our work is to help you improve your health, relationships, and purposeful accomplishments, as you unfold the spiritual treasures within your heart.​

As a dentist, people always want to know if they can relax around me. They would like to have an idea of who I am ‘as a person.’ They would like to see that I get along well with my staff. They would like to know that I care about them ‘as a person.’Â
All four of these desires have been enhanced through becoming a local teacher of Heart Rhythm Meditation. Learning to lead meditations has helped me develop my calming voice. In the beginning it was scary not to be talking the whole time, but with practice, I got the hang of leaving space between instructions, and taking slow breaths between phrases. This changed my speech patterns, helping patient’s relax around me.Â
Teaching meditation developed my confidence that I had something to offer the world outside of dentistry. This gave me something to talk about with my patients, so that they could get to know me ‘as a person.’ They can tell when I talk about my weekly class, how much love and kindness I put into it,Â
Since I’ve been teaching, I have gotten better at understanding and handling the energy of groups of people. That has been reflected with increased comfort and confidence interacting with my staff. I recently led a meeting where the feedback was: ‘That information you shared was amazing.’  Â
Teaching meditation has given me lots of chances to get to know the individual meditation students. By getting to know, I mean, figuring out how to best show that I care to each individual student. That skill has transfered over to my dental patients. Intuitively, I seem to ‘just know’ how to make each patient feel like I care about them ‘as a person.’ This has always been true, but what a delight to be able to show it, and to be able to tell that the patients.
Most experts agree that over 70% of interpersonal communication is nonverbal. The experience of developing a local community of students and teaching them Heart Rhythm Mediation has transformed my nonverbal communication, and that make every single workday 70% easier!
I was teaching a new course, and I was terrified. It met so early, I didn’t even think I could get there. So I would get up early, drive to school, and meditate in the parking lot.
I went into the course totally fired up. Without iamHeart, I never would’ve been able to find the confidence and energy to do this. But now I feel l could do it again easily. The coaching and support you get keeps you on track. You feel someone has your back in a very gentle but present way.
iamHeart has been invaluable in my business life. Heart-centered leadership is an extremely effective for building and harmonizing and motivating groups and is appreciated as a breath of fresh air by group members.
Transformative Testimonials
At iamHeart, we are dedicated to helping people cultivate inner peace, clarity, and purpose through the practice of Heart Rhythm Meditation. Our unique approach combines ancient wisdom with modern science to create personalized and group programs that address the specific needs and goals of each individual. Whether you are looking to reduce stress, improve health, enhance creativity, or deepen spirituality, let us guide you on your journey towards greater well-being and fulfillment.
“I came to the heart rhythm meditation community when my husband passed away in 2010. Even with all the skill I possessed as a therapist, I didn’t know enough to help myself heal from the loss of my soulmate.Â
I am also a woman in recovery from childhood sexual abuse and religious abuse. I needed a strong practice to help my heart to heal in a spiritual way. Psychological healing and physical healing are important. Healing my relationship with the spirit of Life and becoming strong enough to help others heal was yet to come.
I consider myself to be privileged. As a white woman who was deeply loved by her partner, I had access to extraordinary communities on my healing path. I studied the messages given to me in my dreams and I followed the body and its messages for me. I participated in professional communities to learn depth hypnotherapy and worked quite deeply with process oriented techniques.Â
I had the money, the time, and the spiritual support.
As a psychotherapist, checking in with guidance for healing and life decisions has always been important to me. It became increasingly important to me over time to find the specific guidance that I needed to heal tragedies that most folks find it impossible to think about.
Heart Rhythm Meditation gave me an aware connection with my soul. From this place I found a wisdom that surpassed the vast knowledge of the inner world that I had already accrued.
I became capable of relaxing more deeply in my role as a therapist. The healing forces that moved with me helped me to care deeply about myself and care just as deeply about the person sitting in front of me.Â
I also began to feel the larger being that holds all life. There is a beautiful awareness that grows within me each day. I am a finite being with an infinite partner. This infinite partner feels the desire of my heart and offers all resource toward my humble self in the accomplishment or the process of making my desire manifest.Â
Simple things like a yearly case of bronchitis no longer happens.
I trust the resolution of small depressions and anxieties that come as the result of living in challenging times.
I find myself taking on challenges in work and play that help me to live more fully from a vision that exceeds anything I considered possible.
I design and facilitate healing workshops for folks healing from sexual assault.
I help couples find a shared heart path that inspires them to solve their differences with an air of playfulness and genius.Â
When I teach heart rhythm meditation to my clients and students they begin to challenge the places inside themselves that had been numb for decades.Â
I taught a father whose daughter was raped to meditate. He was able to take his body off the high alert of constant anxiety and begin to find ways to achieve a peace that allowed him to care about his life. He stopped drinking and started living again.Â
The challenges of being human are many. I have found that energizing the heart brings many talents, gifts and qualities to the foreground, so that the meditator can continuously heal and step forward with the exact contribution that is needed in their families and in their community.”
The heart only guarantees one thing, and that is the real you. If it’s your heart’s desire, it will manifest. When I started, I was burned out, in debt, just finished chiropractic school, I didn’t have a penny. I didn’t think I could do it. I can say that this program restores your faith, your heart, and helps you fulfill your purpose.
If you are serious about making progress along the spiritual path, this is a fantastic way to do it. You are nurtured and protected all along the way. I don’t think you can really do without it. You can read, but reading doesn’t really give you experiences, it just makes you think that you know.
The depth of the whole faculty is amazing. Everyone is very, very good.
As someone who was very resistant to the process of change, and refused to open up initially, I cannot stress the power of unconditional support and love from my teachers and classmates. They were endlessly supportive and present, letting me go at my own pace and in my own way. I was a brand-new meditator and had limited experience in this work prior to iAMU. The teachers gently supported me and met me where I was at all times, and the results were astounding.