The Depth of Gratitude Deepening Weekend

About Course
Friday evening, 5:00 – 7:00 pm PT
Saturday morning, 8:30 – 10:00am PT and 10:30am- 12:00pm PT
Saturday afternoon, 2:00 – 3:00pm PT
O Thou, the Sustainer of our bodies, hearts, and souls,
Bless all that we receive in thankfulness. Amen.
All those familiar with the spiritual path or the Way of the Heart know from experience that gratitude paves the way forward.
Gratitude is the ability to forgive and overlook, which opens the energy to move through situations that could have been hurtful and stuck.
We have experienced some deeply touching examples of gratitude:
A father whose son died after two years said, “I feel so grateful for the time I was able to spend with him.”
A woman who lives alone told us, “I’d like to have someone to share with, but for now I’m grateful for the simplicity of my life.”
A woman we know who was experiencing multiple, severe health challenges, said, “I’m just grateful for all the parts that still work.”
How can a person rise from complaint to gratitude? To experience gratitude our energetic body needs to be fueled through breath and invocations. Because at its core, gratitude is calling upon the One Heart which sustains our own hearts, enabling us to be thankful in all the circumstances in which we find ourselves.
In the Deepening retreat on November 17th and 18th we will explore the practices which strengthen our energetic body.
We look forward to practicing and exploring with you how to create the inner strength to feel grateful in times of great challenges.
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