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Unwrap the Gifts of Your Heart

By iamHeart Uncategorized
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Nine Meditations for the iamHeart Community throughout the holiday season

Host Jai Linda Turner –  4:00 PM PT | 5:00 PM MT | 6:00 PM CT | 7:00 PM ET

Winter is the time of year when daylight is shortest, the air is coldest, and we find a special thankfulness in the warmth of the ones we love. 

The holidays themselves are a great expenditure of energy for a brief moment of togetherness and celebration. 

These heart-nourishing meditations have been inspired by the need to turn inward as we nurture ourselves with celebrations of light, togetherness, and inspiration to help us lift our spirits during this time of preparation for the coming year.

Our holiday series, designed by experienced Heart Rhythm Meditation teachers, will be offered at an affordable cost so everyone has the opportunity to participate and interact with the community.

The series host Jai Linda Turner will guide you through the different topics and teachers. She is an experienced teacher, mentor, and as been meditation for 30+ years. This is the 3rd year of holiday meditations she has hosted.

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Course Content

Unwrapping The Kindness In Your Heart
We all have inherent gifts we have to offer for the holiday season. Kindness is one of the most precious gifts you can give. Kindness is an energetic gift we can express toward others and a gift that we can unwrap and give to ourselves in the form of self-kindness. As you breathe into the mystical essence of the kindness in your heart during this meditation, you will energize a part of your heart that brings forward a sense of generosity and graciousness. This meditation will help spark your inner light of kindness that will add to the infinite flow of kindness within you and around you.

  • 12/4/2022 Unwrapping The Kindness In Your Heart

Finding Internal Peace During The Holidays
The holidays can be filled with joy and yet be stressful. Join me as we go within to find a peaceful state to hold and support us and our families during this season.

As Beautiful As You Are
Do you appreciate beauty? Our heart is an instrument and a vessel for us to experience beauty. And how about your very own beauty? We are taught from all the moral fables that “Vanity is poisonous.” So how do we appreciate ourselves yet with modesty and gratefulness? Welcome to join me and experience your beauty through your heart!

Reclaiming Our Gifts With The Rebirthing Breath
Join us for a meditation focused on light and the rebirthing breath. Using an attunement to light we will connect the crown center to the root center. The crown connects one to heaven and the root connects one to earth -- the result of their connection is a rebirth and renewal.

The Gift Of Clarity
How do we know what we want to say yes or no to? Where do we want to give the energy of us? We will explore this concept with a heart based meditation to find our line-in- the -sand clarity based on our heart's ideals. Bring a situation you would like to get clarity about to the class to explore more deeply within the depth of your heart.

Head To Head Or Heart To Heart?
A meditation to experience how a relationship feels differently when we relate heart to heart vs head to head.

Adorn Your Heart
We will create a magnificent field of color, light and energy, which will surround you and adorn you for the new year.

Be Gentle In The Dying Of The Light
The shortest days of the year are a time to incubate the heart in the restorative potentials of silence and darkness - to feel the redemptive potentialities building inside you. This class will be a meditation on the beauty and preciousness of constraint and temperance, the sun’s evasiveness, and the heart-warming luminance of faith - required to fully treasure the imminent solar return. In the silent nights ahead, let the divine Message of the Heart heard best in the calm be the source of warmth and bright.

Home Is Where The Heart Is
Come home to your heart this holiday season through Heart Rhythm Meditation. Regardless of where ‘home’ is geographically, or with whom you spend the holidays, give yourself the gift of connecting with your own heart. In Heart Rhythm Meditation, ‘heart’ represents the whole person: physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual. With the increased stress of the holiday season on top of already busy, hectic lives, we can become disconnected from parts of ourselves potentially resulting in much less enjoyable holidays. Heart Rhythm Meditation focuses our attention inward, on our whole self, our ‘heart’. It is there where we realign, recharge, and nurture ourselves to enable a more heart centered holiday season filled with love, joy, and peace.

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