Uncovering The Layers of Emotion

About Course
Uncovering The Layers of Emotion
A 3-week course led by Jai Linda Turner
There are many journeys we can choose to take in our lives. There are journeys in the outer world and sacred journeys in our inner world that allow us to access and explore the sacred essence of our being. One sacred journey we can choose to take is through the layers of emotion that reside in our hearts. In September, I invite you to join me on a sacred journey that starts with an overview of the emotional layers of the heart. As the journey continues, it weaves through the heart’s emotional layers until you reach the deepest layer of the heart, the Pool of Pure Emotion, where all emotions are resolved into the single exquisite emotion of peace that is perfectly still and beyond words.
As you explore the emotional layers of your heart, you will learn about the layers that we construct personally, the layers that are not self-constructed and the universal layers. We will explore the level of our heart that is a reflection of our soul and embodies the imprint of our life’s purpose. During our time together, we will also learn about wounds of the heart that can cause an energetic imbalance or disruption in our energy field.
I look forward to guiding you on this sacred journey as we explore, experience and gain insight from the layers of emotion that are speaking to us through the emotional atmosphere of our hearts.

“The heart’s deeper level of emotion carries the “Seal of the Heart,” an impression, like a stamp, that is made when the heart is created. The Seal generates a life-long desire that will guide you to the fulfillment of the purpose of your life. These emotions are not much influenced by your conditioning or circumstances; they are characteristic of your archetype and your purpose in life. This layer of the heart is continually guiding you by creating specific emotions that rise to the third level of your heart.”
— by Susanna and Puran

Jai Linda Turner has been honored as a leader of the iamHeart organization for over two decades. She is the head of the coaching program alongside Susanna, has led courses, and worked through the problems of hundreds of relationships over her 25+ year career as a psychotherapist. She specializes in vulnerability from a counseling standpoint and also from a meditation standpoint. While vulnerability has been a hot topic recently, Jai has been incorporating HRM as a tool to become more comfortable with vulnerability for over a decade.
Course Content
Week 1
Uncovering The Layers of Emotion Episode 1
01:18:57 -
Uncovering The Layers of Emotion Episode 2
01:08:59 -
Uncovering The Layers of Emotion Episode 3