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HRM focuses on anchoring us in the emotion-rich heart, connecting us to love and purpose.

Learn about the peer-reviewed physical & emotional benefits of HRM for heart-centered living.

Free – Heart Rhythm Meditation tools & guided meditations to support your practice. 

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Heart Rhythm Meditation (HRM) stands out in the world of meditation and mindfulness because, when practicing, the heart becomes the focal point.

HRM expands the physical and emotional capabilities of your heart, pulling you out of your mind and into your heart to find a more connected sense of your self and community — bringing you closer to joy.


Puran and Susanna Bair have devoted their lives to helping individuals improve their physical and emotional health by focusing on the heart.

Using their interpretations of Hazrat Inayat Khan’s Sufi teachings and integrating evidence-based research, they have created a life-changing method of heart-centered meditation.

Together they have authored four books and trained thousands of practitioners, teachers, mentors, healers and retreat guides around the world.

Try Heart Rhythm Meditation Your Way

Let your heart lead - whether you're new to meditation or seeking a deeper heart-focused practice, we offer classes, courses, and an app to support your preferred style of learning.

Online Meditation Studio

Unlimited Access, 45-Minute Classes

HRM Essentials Course

Online, Teacher-led, 12 Hour Course

Relax on the Go

Download FREE Breath & Heart App

Read peer-reviewed studies detailing HRM's effects on heart health & well-being.


iamHeart is a 501(c)3 nonprofit devoted to uplifting humanity through sharing the practice of Heart Rhythm Meditation. iamHeart embraces people of all cultures, races, ethnicities, nationalities, sexual orientations, gender identities, faiths, and backgrounds.

We accept tax deductible donations.


Over 3 decades of service.








April 30, 2025

Essentials of HRM April 2025

By - iamHeart

Enroll Now ($300.00)


Deepen and personalize your heart-centered meditation practice by connecting with a Mentor.

Our mentoring program pairs you with an experienced meditator to help you establish a reliable practice, find the right technique for your purpose, and apply your practice to what’s most important in your life.


Heart Rhythm Meditation is transforming the hearts of our students.

Our Journey

Puran and Susanna Bair developed Heart Rhythm Meditation in response to a charge from their teacher, Pir Vilayat Khan, to create a school of meditation that integrates the ancient teachings of his father’s Sufi lineage with insights gleaned from modern science.


You have questions? We have answers.

Yes! iamHeart offers something for everyone. HRM is an embodied meditation method making it very accessible to beginners, and more experienced meditators find it to be a beautiful complement to their existing practices. You can experience HRM through the meditation app, self-paced classes, and in-person local classes. For those who wish to dive deeper, group or private meditation retreats and iamU (our intensive training program) offer advanced meditation experience.

You can gain the skills of an effective Heart Rhythm Meditator over the course of weeks or months with the support of our mobile App, online or in-person classes, books, recordings, or one-on-one experiences with our mentors and retreat guides, but as with most endeavors we humans usually need time to develop and sustain new habits. A daily meditation practice can begin with as little as 3 minutes at the beginning or end of the day. As your heart warmly welcomes this new attention, you may feel yourself drawn to longer practice sessions. As with physical exercise, consistent practice offers great benefits. Like the dancer who yearns to move to the music, the athlete who longs for the game, or the foodie with appetite for deliciousness, our awakened hearts call us back to meditation. Every moment spent breathing with awareness of our hearts is like money in the bank, an investment with continuous returns.

As long as you have a heart and can breathe, you can learn Heart Rhythm Meditation! Our students hail from a wide variety of backgrounds, ages, geographic locations, and identities. We include members of diverse faith traditions as well as those with non-religious affiliations. Educators, healthcare professionals, students, artists, business people, homemakers, engineers, and seekers of all walks of life enjoy the clarity, peace, power and inspiration gained by breathing in rhythm with their hearts. All are welcome.

We respect the physical body, the mind and emotions as part of the complete self. We value the ego as necessary to accomplish one's unique purpose in life. HRM operates the electromagnetic energy field of the  heart, which powers and regulates the self and alone is capable of real transformation.  Consciousness rides on energy; breath can change the direction and intensity of energy.

“Heart is itself its own medicine;

heart all its own wounds heals.”

         ~Hazrat Inayat Khan

The heart is our most powerful resource, with an electromagnet field even larger than the brain. In the physical realm the heart is the master controller of the body, providing rhythm and circulation, two fundamental requirements for health and vitality. In the emotional realm, the heart is the depth of one's being, a reservoir of emotional energy that when open and healed, is the source of courage, creativity, compassion, and peace. In the spiritual realm, the heart is the focus of the soul, the divine light within. In Heart Rhythm Meditation we work with all three realms of the heart at once creating a harmony of mind, body and spirit that impacts our health, well being and accomplishment in any area of life we choose to apply it.

Heart Rhythm Meditation was developed by Puran and Susanna Bair in response to a charge from their teacher, Pir Vilayat Khan, to create a method of meditation that integrated the ancient teachings of his father’s Sufi lineage with insights gleaned from modern science; a method that would truly help practitioners to resolve their challenges and gain a greater sense of purpose and harmony in their lives. Puran and Susanna have devoted their lives to interpreting the mystical teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, researching the most current information on the widespread benefits of rhythmic, heart-centered breathing practices, and drawing from their wealth of extensive meditation experience and expertise, to create a method of fully-embodied, heart-centered meditation that is both practical and profound.

Whereas most meditations offer a temporary relief from the stresses of life, Heart Rhythm Meditation offers a rehearsal for life, the way you’d like to live it. At iamHeart we believe the challenges we face in life can be great catalysts to our growth and development.  Our practices offer the tools to help you navigate those challenges.  Heart Rhythm Meditation can help with challenges to one’s health, relationships, accomplishments, self-identity, and spiritual transformation. There is no limit to the application of Heart Rhythm Meditation in one’s life.

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