
Unsure if a private retreat is right for you? Unsure which retreat guide may suit your needs best? Reach out to our Head of Retreats, Kalimi Robin Carpenter at robin@iamheart.org

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A 501(c)3 non-profit organization

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Please consider making a tax-deductible donation down below. Your contributions helps iamHeart to host classes, courses, and events that we all love.

Building the Path To the Heart

iamHeart is a spiritually positive school, dedicated to building a better world by spreading the message and method of Heart Rhythm Meditation as a way to connect with one’s deepest self. We are working on a number of projects to make this method much more available to people of all walks of life so that much more of the world can live from their heart. Read below for our achievements from 2022-2023 and our plans for 2024.

iamHeart is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and your donations are tax deductible. 

The Future of iamHeart

Our vision for this upcoming year is to create an in-person center for to teach and practice Heart Rhythm Meditation and Heart Energy Healing.ย 

In creating this center we hope to establish both an in-person home for Heart Rhythm Meditation and Heart Energy Healing, as well as a place to broadcast our work, to connect it with as many people as possible. We believe that the in-person experience of Heart Rhythm Meditation and Heart Energy Healingย is integral to the power and depth of that profound experience. If you’ve experienced these deep transformational processes, you know how effective they can be. People have had incredible experiences in online healing and meditation events, but still are incomplete as a substitute for the comradery and vibration created in a room. We hope that creating a venue for in-person meditation and healing, alongside adding the ability to broadcast these meditations and healings, will create a home a continual signal of the culture of the heart.

What Your Donation Accomplishes

Looking back at the past year, iamHeart has evolved more than ever. Our community has always been an integral part of why we can continue to grow in the way we do. iamHeart is committed to continuing toward our vision for spreading this method ofย In 2023, after lots of hard work and dedication, iamHeart released our new IOS application, Breath and Heart. We have reached more hearts and taught Heart Rhythm Mediation through our app. Through a donation matching fund set up by a very generous donor, we are now working to make our app into an Android application to reach as many hearts as possible. We are also starting to translate the app into other languages for more to enjoy!

On the same note, iamHeart released its new and redesigned website! This new site makes signing up for the classes and exploring teachers, mentors, and programs more efficient and streamlines the process of signing up for all offerings. Our executive director Gerred Clarke headed a team of developers, graphic artists, and office staff to create a new branding plan for iamHeart and design the website from scratch.

Our iamU program and graduate programs have been thriving this year, with at least two classes of iamU circling at a time and higher levels beginning; we have added many new members to this school of the heart. As the fall approaches, so do new opportunities to expand the iamU program!

Our Hurqalya Graduate program is in the last few months of class, with graduation in August! We are so excited to see the outcome of the student’s hard work and constant faith in themselves. We also look forward to future graduate offerings, which are in development!

This year we have also offered consistent programming like never before! With two in-person group retreat options a year, monthly drop-ins or daily mediations, and advanced programming such as The Deepening Weekend Retreats once a month, we are more than ever spreading the work of the heart. If you are interested in contributing to our general fund please click the link below.ย 

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